Surya Family Planning Clinics

Janani operates 11 family planning clinics and outreach programmes in Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. Established in 1998, the Surya Clinic Family Planning network was the first reproductive health franchising network in India and one of the first in the world. As of 2023, we have served over 1.7 million clients served as of 2023. Surya Clinics provide services to meet high demand in India for permanent and long-acting methods.

Our services include

Female Sterilization

Female Sterilization
(Tubal ligation)

Male Sterilization

Male Sterilization
(Non-scalpel vasectomy)

IUD Insertions

IUD Insertions

Contraceptive Injections

Contraceptive Injections

Safe Abortions

Safe Abortions


Our brand of clinics, Surya Family Planning Clinics, are present in Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh.


Janani works in close partnership with the Government of India under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) component of the National Health Mission (NHM) and the Government of India’s National Contraceptive Social Marketing Program. Our Surya Family Planning Clinics are accredited by the government and play a vital role in providing services in some of the most underserved areas of India. In many locations, the Surya Family Planning Clinics are the only accredited private provider in the entire district and offer the only option for affordable and high quality services outside the public sector.

In order to increase knowledge, awareness and demand for family planning services, we collaborate closely at the district and community levels with community health workers and key community members to highlight the importance of family planning and to improve the overall awareness about our products and services.

We also promote through

  • Outreach family planning services at government facilities
  • A strong outreach network of motivators and community health workers who refer clients to our clinics
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Our Impact

In our 25+ years since establishment, our clinical services cumulative impact is shown below:

Data from 1995 to 2023

Female Sterilization

Tubal Ligations

Male Sterilization

Non Scalpel Vasectomies

IUD Insertions


Contraceptive Injections


Safe Abortions

Safe Abortions